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Born on the barren plains of Toronto, Canada, I developed a sense of humour early on in life by continuously watching my beloved hockey team, the Toronto Maple Leafs. I attended the Toronto School of Drama from the ages of 7-11 and would constantly annoy my classmates and teachers by doing celebrity impersonations (thank you Rich Little!).
During my high school years, I decided to appear as a stand-up comedian at renowned comedy club Yuk Yuks instead of dating or getting trashed, like most normal teens. After turning down an insultingly bad offer to turn pro, I then focussed on my university studies where I graduated with the highest temperature in my class and received an Honours B.A. in Mass Communications and Political Science.
After Copywriting for a number of years, I focussed my creative efforts on writing plays and movies. My one-act play NAKED, a comedy about internet dating (of which I have absolutely NO knowledge…*cough, cough*) has received numerous nominations and awards. My second play, a full-length comedy about an ego-centric Copywriter (no relation, I swear!) has been published on various websites and is eagerly awaiting its production debut.
A Mile in His Soul, my first screenplay, began fomenting (or should that be “fertilizing”?) in my mind since my first trip to New York where I was amazed at some of the “tactics” used by those pretending to be homeless. Fast forward to 2010 where I gave $2 to a homeless person during my lunch hour, only to return to see him scratching a lottery ticket. I really wish I had the nerve to ask him if “we” had won anything. However, seeing that there are scammers mixed in with the legitimately destitute, A Mile in His Soul attempts to blend the humour through the scammers and the pathos of homelessness in the form of a movie.
When I’m not writing, I like to read, play mindless games, listen to classic rock (i.e. The Beatles, Badfinger, Klaatu, Paul McCartney and Wings) and get trashed (kidding!!!).
Some of my comedic influences include The Three Stooges, Mel Brooks and Woody Allen, to name but a few.