Abigail comes from a strong amateur performing family on both sides, her fathers family were Welsh and he was a fine amateur tenor, sang in many semi professional productions. Her mothers family were Scottish way back and she herself was a beauty queen who carried the infant Abigail on stage in panto from the time she was able to walk.
She never went to drama school, preferring hands-on experience. Her first stint in rep was at Weston-Super-Mare, where a youthful John Inman held court and from whom she learned much about comic timing and pace.
Unfortunately a congenital heart condition slowed her down, time after time, it was always three steps forward, two steps back but she never gave up, amassing a string of TV parts and cameos, (kind of always the bridesmaid, never the bride?!)
Every-time she 'retired' she determined to come back and now, her heart problem finally fixed for good she's keen to get back to work doing what she does (and loves) best. Need a cuddly gran? call Abigail, need a stern magistrate? call Abigail. Need someone you can rely on to turn up on time, know her lines and turn in a truthful performance...... call Abigail. Need someone whose heart and soul belong to the business we call show?............ oh and her CV also includes basic fire-eating, now what's that all about??!!